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Events this week

This week is the last week of term before we break up for the summer holidays on Friday the 21st of July. On Friday, students are expected to arrive at school at the usual time of 8.30am for registration and will be dismissed at 12.30pm.

If your child has had the loan of a school laptop during this school year, you will have received communication from us regarding returning this to school by Friday 14th July.  Please can we ask you to ensure the laptop is returned to either the main school reception or IT office, any unreturned laptops may result in a charge. 

On behalf of all the RPHS staff, we would like to wish families a restful summer break and we look forward to welcoming students back in September.  

Events this week 

Monday 17th July

 Academic Review Day 

Tuesday 18th July 

KS3 Rewards trip to Chessington World of Adventures, 8.40am to 4.00pm
Year 10 Duke of  Edinburgh Practice Expedition, leaves 7.30am (Depart time)

Wednesday 19th July

Year 9 Sports Day 
Year 10 Duke of  Edinburgh Practice Expedition, returns 3.00pm (Return time)
Year 12 Rewards Trip to Putt in the Park Battersea, 10.00am to 1.00pm

Thursday 20th July 

Year 10 Sports Day (rescheduled date)

Friday 21st July 

Whole School Assembly 
End of Term– Students will be dismissed at 12.30pm


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