Ready to Learn
ready to learn checklist
Full equipment
- Black and blue pens
- Green pen for Peer Assessment
- Pencils
- Glue stick
- Rubber
- Ruler
- Highlighter & whiteboard pen
- Colouring pencils
- Scientific calculator
- Planner
- Reading book
School Planner
- All students are given a planner. In this they should record details of the work set and the date by which it should be completed. Please look at the planner each week, sign it and make written comments where necessary. Form Tutors will monitor the use of the planner.
- The use of the planner encourages students to organise their work time efficiently. It enables home and school to work together to identify, at an early stage, any problems which may arise.
Homework to be handed in
Uniform: complete, clean and tidy
Packed lunch / lunch money
Oyster Card if needed
Special items as needed
- PE kit
- Ingredients and food container for Food & Nutrition when needed
- Library books
- Reply slips
- Mini French or Spanish dictionary (when informed of language of study)
- Maths set (protractor)
- Mini English dictionary (optional)