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Exam Support for Students & Families

Exam Information for families 


Online Revision Material for Students

Students at Raynes Park High School have access to a wide variety of online resources provided by our partners at Hegarty Maths, Educake (for English and Science) and GCSEPod (All Subjects). Every student has their own unique login to these sites and should be using the regularly to complete their homework or to revisit areas for development as part of their own independent learning.


If you require any assistance to access / login to any of our remote learning platforms please find the appropriate contact below;

Online Platform Who can help?
Network account
Satchel (SMHW) Form Tutor or
School Email Form Tutor or
Office 365 / Microsoft Teams
Sparx Maths Please contact your Maths teacher
Educake Please contact your English or Science teacher
GCSEPod Please contact you Head of Year

Supporting students to plan & organise their revision

Planning how to revise for multiple GCSE examinations can be a daunting task. Please download a copy of our revision timetable and sit with your child to plan their revision ensuring that they allocate time to each subject whilst also planning in breaks too.



Download your RPHS Revision Timetable here

Supporting students to manage their time / social media use

Are you spending too much time on you mobile phone? Are you addicted to social media? Do you need help to put your phone down and focus on your revision? If so, the following apps will help you by restricting your access to websites and apps ensuring that you can remain focused on your revision.

PIXL - Power to Perform

Our partners at PIXL have created a series of recipes to help ensure that students are eating the right foods to enhance their academic performance at this crucial time.

Each of these recipes have been designed especially by chef Mark Lloyd to help students to feel fuller for longer and perform well in school. Click on the links below to access these recipes.

Tasty Snacks
Main Meals 1-10
Main Meals 11-20