There are a number of opportunities for students to contribute to the school and wider community and this will help them to develop their leadership skills, such as;
• Posts of Responsibility e.g. Form Captain, Sports Captain
• Inter-house events
• Educational visits
• Local and national competitions
• Extra-Curricular Clubs
Our full Enrichment timetable is distributed to students and put on the website at the start of each term. These activities can include:
- Art & Photography
- Badminton
- Ball Boy/Girl Training
- Basketball
- Breakfast club
- Volleyball
- Choir
- Computer Coding
- Cooking
- Cricket
- Dance
- Drama (House Plays and School Plays)
- Football
- Harry Potter Club
- Hockey
- Homework Club
- Jack Petchey "Speak Out" Challenge
- Netball
- Squash
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Trampolining
Our Extra-Curricular Clubs and Sports Clubs can be found below.