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Year 6 to Year 7 Transition


Thank you for choosing Raynes Park High School; we are delighted to welcome you and your child to our school. Moving up to secondary school is a momentous event, and it is our aim to make this transition as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

We hope that your child will enjoy life as an RPHS student and that they will work hard and make the most of the opportunities available at the school. Every student knows they are valued as an individual and encouraged to realise their full potential; we hope that the students will continue through life with a love of learning. In addition to academic study, there are many extra-curricular activities on offer and I do hope you will encourage your child to participate in the range of enrichment available. Participation in these clubs is invaluable in providing opportunities for making new friends, developing new skills and building confidence. 

We are committed to ensuring that RPHS students are safe, well-supported and challenged to achieve their best at all times. It is well known that students are most successful when home and school work together in partnership, and we look forward to getting to know you over the coming years.

Yours sincerely, 

Miss K J Taylor


Important Dates for Transition 

At Raynes Park High School we understand that the move to secondary school can be a daunting and overwhelming one. To support you and your child in preparing for the move to secondary school, we have an induction programme of events to make sure that the move to Raynes Park High School is successful and happy.

Key dates Event  More Information

1st March 2024

Offer day 

National Offer Day for Year 7 entry in September 2024 is 1st March 2024. Please note all online applicants will be notified by their local authority of school place outcomes on the evening of National Offer Day. 

The deadline for the return of acceptances is 15th March. This is the date by which you must let the borough know whether or not you accept the offer of a place in Year 7. 

12th and 14th March 2024

Open Mornings 

An opportunity for families offered a place at RPHS to view the school on a working school day. 

18th May 2024

Transition Morning (CATS) 

All students are required to sit a series of CAT (Cognitive Ability Tests) tests to determine streaming. The test provides us with information that will help accurately place students in the appropriate teaching group for their ability. 

11th June 2024

Family Interview Day 

In June we hold individual appointment allocated family interviews. This is an opportunity for parents and students to meet with staff and discuss any concerns or questions they may have. 


19th June 2024 Welcome Afternoon

Prior to our Induction Day we will be running a Welcome Afternoon aimed at students who are the only one, or one of two, coming from their current primary school. The day will give them a chance to meet others in a similar position, as well as several key members of staff. Please note this event is invitation only and all those invited will be contacted nearer to the day.

3rd July 2024

Induction day/Parent Afternoon

Induction Day will take place in July. This is an enjoyable opportunity for new students to spend a day in school and experience a taste of life in our school community, meeting classmates and teachers. 

Parents are invited in at the end of the day before collecting students to meet their child’s tutor. 

July 2024 Summer School  Our ever popular Year 6 Summer School programme will run during the first week of the summer holidays and more information will be provided about how to book a place for your child in due course.

Meet the Year 7 Team

We have a dedicated transition team and pastoral team whose main priority is student wellbeing, getting to know your child's interests and talents and ensuring that your child settles well into Raynes Park High School. Each part of our transition programme is in place to ensure that you and your child have a great start with us. We can't wait to welcome you to our school.

 Mr R Burnett
Head of Year 7

Ms J Leszczyk
Head of EAL

Ms S Yusuf
Student Wellbeing Manager

Ms L O'Donnell
Attendance Officer

Ms S Hegarty
Family Liaison Officer

FAQ's for Students: 

What is a normal day like at rphs?

Lessons at RPHS are 60 minutes long, students have five lessons in day. We ask all students to show resilience. Lessons will include independent practice, paired group and practical work where appropriate.  You can find more information on the timings of the day here.

what are the rules like at rphs?

The rules at RPHS are clear and consistently applied. There are high expectations of all students and we expect everyone to follow the rules at all times. A copy of the behaviour policy can be found on the policies section of our website or by clicking here.

what Extra-Curricular Clubs do you offer?

We have a wide range of Enrichment clubs that all students can sign up for, the clubs run before and after school as well as during break times. From book club to netball, gardening club to cricket, we are sure there will be something for you! Enrichment clubs change on a termly basis, for a full list of this terms clubs click here

What happens if I get lost or am late to a lesson?

You will be given a school map when you start in September to help you find your way round the school site. Always ask another student or a member of staff to help you find where you need to get to.

If you are late to a lesson you must apologise to the teacher for being late and then promptly sit down at your desk. But don't worry as you will probably only be late at first as you will soon find your way around.

What do I do when I need to leave school for an appointment? 

There may be occasions where you will need to leave school before the end of the day. Prior to the appointment, please email with evidence of your appointment. On the day of your appointment, please go to the student reception to be dismissed.


You only need to register once at the school.

To register, please complete our Pupil Premium Application Form:  

If your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium scheme, the school will be notified and will contact you to make you aware of the outcome.  We will ask if you would like your child to receive free meals at school and the Pupil Premium funding will automatically be passed to them. The school will be able to tell you how the extra money is being used.

RPHS Prospectus

Tips for supporting your child with their transition can be found below